REP-SF Slate for Nov. 2024 Election

Vote for Racial, Social, AND Economic Equity across California AND San Francisco!

REP-SF focuses on prioritizing truly affordable housing and the dignity, health, stability, and aspirations of our diverse communities. Read about REP-SF’s positions on the state and local ballot measures for the November 5 Election! We’re voting for truly affordable housing and rejecting harms to our communities! Please help us spread the word by sharing our social media posts on Instagram, Twitter, & Facebook!

Hot Tip: Vote early! Ballot drop-off locations are open! You’ll get less voter literature in the mail the sooner you vote!

Community mobilization for the local campaign, Yes on G and the statewide campaign, Yes on CA Prop 5, to educate voters on two important affordable housing measures on the November Ballot. Featuring REP-SF members: Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA), Chinatown Community Development Center (Chinatown CDC), Young Community Developers (YCD),  SF Community Land Trust (SFCLT), and our allied coalition, the Council of Community Housing Organizations (CCHO). (Photo Source: Yes on G! The Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund)

State Ballot Measures

State Measure 5: Lowers the voter threshold for passing general obligation bonds for affordable housing and certain infrastructure projects from 2/3 to 55%.

YES on CA Prop 5: Vote YES on Prop 5 to make it easier to fund affordable housing! Local bonds help fund critical needs, including affordable housing, public infrastructure, and community projects, and Prop 5 lowers the voting threshold from 67% to 55% for these local measures to pass.

State Measure 33: Repeals the Costa–Hawkins Rental Housing Act (1995), so it would allow local jurisdictions throughout the State to establish their own rent control programs to meet tenants' needs without constraints from the State.

YES on CA Prop 33: Vote YES on Prop 33 to expand rent control! Rent control is one key solution to our affordable housing crisis. Prop 33 would repeal a state law that bans local governments from enacting or expanding rent control, allowing local governments to urgently address the housing affordability crisis.

State Measure 34: Restricts spending by healthcare providers that meet certain criteria.

NO on CA Prop 34: Vote NO on Prop 34 to stop corporate landlords from silencing nonprofits. This measure is not about health care reform but is instead a proxy battle over Prop 33, and an attack on its sponsor, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF). The real intent of this measure is to stop AHF from supporting rent control in California.

State Measure 36: Increases felony charges and sentences for certain drug and theft crimes.

NO on CA Prop 36: Vote NO on Prop 36 and say NO to rolling back California’s progress on criminal justice reform.

Local Ballot Measures

Local Measure B: Bond for facilities that provide services to support unhoused people.

YES on Prop B: Vote YES on Prop B to improve critical public health and homeless facilities and services that serve San Franciscans!

Local Measure C: Creates position of Inspector General.

YES on Prop C: Vote YES on Prop C to create an Office of the Inspector General, creating more oversight over potential corruption and violations in the city to ensure fair and ethical governance that San Franciscans deserve.

Local Measure D: TogetherSF's measure aims to consolidate power with the Mayor by changing city boards and commissions.

NO on Prop D: Vote NO on Prop D and say NO to eliminating public oversight on city commissions and local government.

Local Measure E: Creates a task force for recommending changing city commissions.

YES on Prop E: Vote YES on Prop E to create more government transparency and public input on city commissions. As an alternative to Prop D, which REP-SF is opposing, Prop E would create a task force to assess reform to the City's commission system with more public oversight.

Local Measure F: Increases police staffing and deferred retirement.

NO on Prop F: Vote NO on Prop F and say NO to giving the police an even bigger budget as an incentive for officers to delay retirement.

Local Measure G: Creates the Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund.

YES on Prop G: Vote YES on Prop G to fund rental subsidies for affordable housing developments serving low-income seniors, families, and persons with disabilities! There are approximately 66,000 extremely low-income households in San Francisco, and 80% of them are rent-burdened or paying more than 30% of their income on rent. Vote Yes on Prop G to ensure low-income households are able to access affordable housing in San Francisco!

Local Measure M: Overhauls the City's Business Taxes.

YES on Prop M: Vote YES on Prop M to ensure that businesses with the largest gross receipts pay their fair share, and to provide critical tax relief for many small businesses still recovering from the pandemic.

join rep-sf: be a part of this growing movement!

Join the movement to advance housing justice and equity in land use. Contact us at to join REP-SF’s Action Team! Learn more at and follow us on social media for our latest updates!

Community kickoff of Yes on Prop G campaign, led by citywide residents and nonprofits, including REP-SF members Chinatown CDC, MEDA, SFCLT, SF Safehouse, Senior & Disability Action, South of Market Community Action Network (SOMCAN), YCD, and our allied coalition, CCHO. (Photos from Yes on G! The Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund)


REP-SF Citywide People’s Plan Zines: People-Centered Planning & Affordable Housing First!


October 2024 Planning to the People Newsletter